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Company Overview

Nsys Tech Solutions.

NSYS Tech thinks tech systems must respond to the needs of each organization, so the solution needs to fit the user, not the user to the solution. Similarly, we develop solutions so that our clients can, demonstrate an improvement within your organization

In the automation of business processes, NSYS tech has developed methodologies that allow complete control over all areas of an organization, this control has a positive effect during the evolutionary maintenance of the solutions generated since it is always possible to add new functionality as a response to new requirements obtaining competitive advantage and the opportunity to make improvements in value at any time NSYS tech offers its ADA methodologic  (Analysis - Design - Management), with this, we offer a complete logistics solution in each of our services, our company ADA offers customers a powerful way to generate solutions for every requirement.

Nsystech strives to stay updated on three areas of computer science, the first of it has to do with the management of information, databases have become in recent years a powerful tool for any organization, the second is the area of programming, aware that this is a very large branch we have focused on developing programs that can harness the maximum power of databases and make available the same data in the hands of our customers, these develop applications in PHP and javascript completely custom home needs in different environments from own PHP code to systems developed with leading CMS (Content Management Systems) such as Drupal, WordPress. And the third is the area of mobility, this offers systems that can be used on any operating system such as mobile OS, Android, Blackberry.

1. DataBase administrator.

In the fascinating world of computers, databases represent a valuable tool as they represent an important strategic resource because thanks to them we can make decisions that help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of any organization.

In NsysTech offer a range of possibilities for managing databases of your computing environment. From the analysis of your needs to the design and construction of efficient structures. NsysTech offers secure databases and completely designed for every requirement and for every environment.

With our management services databases, our company is in a growth finds in the development and creation of new services to ensure your complete satisfaction, for these have focused our efforts on three main areas:

2. Application Development.

We accompany you from the initial advice, which identify their needs and how to respond to the deployment of an efficient tool without errors and that suits your organization to this we are developers of systems to suit any requirement, to ensure this, we provide our customers with a system developed various systems and languages ​​such as PHP, Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3. We also seek to offer solutions using custom generated systems, Content Management Systems such as Drupal, WordPress and Frameworks MVC such as CodeIgnitor, Zend, among others.

 3. Development of mobile applications and social networks.

With the emergence of an increasing number of different devices both sizes and shapes, and with very different characteristics such as location technologies, cameras, voice recognition, touch screens, etc., the Web can reach a greater number of users at all times and in any situation.  Mobile Web reaches places where the cable cannot reach, this brings new opportunities to do business, to work, to manage our leisure time, and for many other things, allowing us to increase our ability to move.

It is important to note that there are major differences between mobile users and stationary users, such as the different types of content they handle, the capabilities of the devices they use (small screens), and the context in which the user receives the content.

Build an application in social networks provides the opportunity to promote a brand, product, or service. An application can be much more effective to promote a brand, product, or service than many other advertising channels and everything is a lot more economical means. On Facebook, you can make direct contact with customers to get their views on the brand, product, or service that is being promoted. Currently, many major companies are using Facebook to collect valuable information on what they like and do not the customers of their products. IT Group designs and implements Facebook applications tailored to your business.