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Privacy of Information Security and Confidentiality of Personal Information

As has been explained, to use services offered by portals y of Nsys Tech LTD, each user must provide certain personal data . This personal information is processed and stored in servers or magnetic tools provided with the highest standards of safety and security, both physical as technological.
The Nsys Tech LTD may not sell, rent or negotiate with other companies the personal information of Users, unless the forms and the cases established by the privacy policies published on the site. The personal information is stored on servers or high security magnetic tools. The Nsys Tech LTD is striving to maintain the confidentiality and security of personal information of Users.
To protect the information it receives, transmits and stores, the Nsys Tech LTD has the ID and Digital Technology Secure Server ID. These two systems guarantee secure transactions through the digital authentication. In addition, communication with users is realized within a channel of absolute privacy. Among the technological components of safety of Nsys Tech LTD there are: For the first "Digital ID “, digital identification with digital certificates that allow the use of a channel virtually inviolable, due to the fact that the information travels through encrypted cyber space, and then the Secure Socket Layer, by means of these tools, the Nsys Tech LTD

Use the encryption or the lining of the information, with a hood protector consists of two keys: one public, which can be seen by all users, and another private, and unique, preserved in the spaces of restricted access. In this way, each message is protected or encrypted, so that it can be received and understood only by the specific recipient, using a public key that contributes to the activation of the protection.

With the aim to provide excellent service and, so that users can carry out operations safely and agile, the Nsys Tech LTD requires certain personal information, including e-mail. The collection of information allows users to offer several features and services tailored to their needs and at the same time, to customize the services so that their experience with portals to have the greatest possible convenience. The information we collect Nsys Tech LTD has as its purpose the following:

1) Serve helps the buyer and the seller so that they can establish direct contact as is necessary, in agreement with the mode of purchase. In this case, the Nsys Tech LTD will provide interested parties the personal data, such as name, phone, location and e-mail, via e-mail or through the website. The information obtained in this way, either by the Buyer as the Seller, will only be used to the effects of the transaction initiated by the portals of Nsys Tech LTD.
2 ) To develop research and studies of internal character , interests , behavior and demographics of users to better understand their needs and their interests in order to improve the supply and quality of services and provide them with information relating

3) Improving the commercial and promotional initiatives of the Nsys Tech LTD, and analyze the pages visited, searches made by the users, to improve the supply of articles and content, customizing, both in presentation as in services.

4) Send information or messages, by e-mail, services of Nsys Tech LTD and its portals, as well as the information expressly authorized in the “Preferences”. If the user wants, he can also ask for exclusion lists for the sending of advertising or promotional uses. The winners of promotions and / or contests made by the Nsys Tech L.T.D , the expressly authorize to spread their names, personal information, their images and those of their families , through the streets and in the manner they consider convenient , with advertising purposes and / or promotional purposes , without the right to receive any compensation .

5 ) Sharing personal information (including email address ) with the service providers or companies "outsourcing " who pay a contribution to the improvement and simplification of operations through the portals of Nsys Tech LTD , such as ( without limitation ) transportation services , payment instruments , insurance or brokerage in the management of payments, call centers , loyalty programs , etc. . The Nsys Tech LTD will watch to ensure that certain standards are compiutu whose objective is the confidentiality of the personal data of its users. Notwithstanding, the Nsys Tech LTD does not assume any responsibility for the misuse of the user's personal information by these companies or web sites. In certain cases, these providers of services they will collect information directly by the user (for example, when we require them to make inquiries, surveys or studies varied). In these cases , the user will receive a notification on the participation of a provider of services in such activities and the User will decide , in his prudent judgment , or not to provide the requested information , as well as authorize the use of that specific ' any provider wishing to give the information . So, in the case that the User would facilitate, on their own initiative and directly, additional information on any of the above providers of services, the latter will decide how to use the information in accordance with their own privacy policies. On the other hand, if the Nsys Tech LTD decides to reveal or share the personal information of any User, which is in possession, with third parties that are not providers of services or companies related or affiliated with Nsys Tech LTD, will require you to express your consent. Among the providers of services that collect information directly to us is the Google Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States of America (" Google "). Through the use of "cookies" on which you will make more extensive reference later , Google gets certain information on the activities of Members of the portals of Nsys Tech LTD and its IP address , this information is directly transmitted and stored by Google in its servers in the USA. LA Google will use this information on behalf of Nsys Tech LTD with the purpose to analyze and compile report on the activities of users on the Internet, with the aim of improving its services. The Google may transmit the said information to third parties when the regulations applicable or when the above third prosecute the information on behalf of Google. The User expressly allows the treatment of your information from Google in the form and for the purposes already mentioned.

Providing personal information of Users institutions which intervene in the resolution of disputes between them, such as: insurance companies, the competent Courts or Tribunals of Arbitration to resolve such disputes.

Each User, whether particular or business, authorizes the portals of Nsys Tech LTD, for the use of the User's e-mail, so that every company can send to Users who have previously selected this option, different information such as news, promotion ad (products, vehicles, and real estate), jobs and estimates.

1 The use of information from other users
To facilitate interaction among all members of the community portals of Nsys Tech LTD, the service rendered by it allows limited access to certain contact details of the rest of users, such as the User's name, mobile, city and email address.
You can only use the personal information of other users contained in the site for:

1) Communications relating to the portals of Nsys Tech LTD should not consist in unsolicited commercial communications.

2) Use the services offered in the portals of Nsys Tech LTD (for example, transfers, insurance, delivery or transportation and reclamations to the concept of fraud.

3) Any other purpose expressly permitted by the User correspondent, after what has been communicated ' is the information legally required

2 Cookies

Both the User Visitant as the web portals of Nsys Tech LTD know and accept that it may use a system of achievement through the use of Cookies. These Cookies are small files which are installed to the hard drive; they have a limited lifetime, and help to customize services. The Nsys Tech LTD also offers certain features that are only available through the use of Cookies. These Cookies are used in order to know the interests, behavior and demographics of those who visit or are users of the Web sites of Nsys Tech LTD, to better understand their needs and interests to provide them with a better service or provide information relating them. The Nsys Tech LTD will also use the information obtained by means of cookies to analyze the pages navigate from the visitor or user, and research initiatives designed to improve the business, promotional, display advertising and promotions, banners interest, news on Nsys Tech LTD, improve the supply of content and articles, reference customize our content , presentation and services , and also to promote and fulfill the rules and the safety of the site. The Nsys Tech LTD may be added in the email that will send cookies to measure the effectiveness of promotions.

It states that the installation, permanence and existence of the User's computer Cookies will depend on the exclusivity of the latter and can be deleted from your computer to the will of the User. To know how to delete cookies from your system, you must see the Help section (Help) of the navigator.

Additionally, you can find cookies or other similar systems, installed by third parties on certain pages of the websites of Nsys Tech LTD. For example, when browsing a page created by some user, there may be a cookie installed in that page. It is clarified that these policies expressly cover the use of cookies for the sites of Nsys Tech LTD and not the use of cookies by advertisers. The Nsys Tech LTD does not control the use of cookies made by third parties.